"Fashion is so often presented in our culture as a thing of froth, which of course,
it partly is; but the bubbles are blown with such care and a sense of values."
- Anna Wintour


Sunday, 27 January 2013

First Signs of Paradise

You never love the things you thought you'd love. C'est vrai...
You actually look at them and wonder why you thought you'd ever love them at all.
They are beautiful, magical if you will, but yet..
Instead, we realize that the beauty lies beyond each cliche, each one a new disappointment.
Although magnificent, they have been shared by too many to make them your own.
If your fortunate you come to understand this early on.
Your first signs of paradise will have to come through your own misadventures. 
Lost in Translation.
But no matter where you travel, I always trust a simple bath of natural light will temporarily suffice.

   My causal encounter with this prolific monument.
Such an image becomes a mimicry of itself.
Forget what you want here. Forget what you thought you knew. It only wakes up at night.

After all the long time curiosities have been met, you would naturally, slowly, chip away at the simplicity of this culture. A culture which is so deeply rooted in a passion for aesthetic perfection that to be any other way, would equate to death. There will always be a strange little paradise around every corner that one can make their own.